Most of the information can be downloaded to your computer here as PDF or Word documents (Adobe Acrobat Reader or Microsoft Word required). The latest files can be found at the top.
The documents are mostly in German and intensive work is being done on translating the documents
Informations about the health policy commission of SSOMFS (04/2014, PDF-Document)
Regulations GPK SGMKG 17.10.2012
Divisions UBR Practice-OP OPI OPII (2)
The divisions UBR / Praxis-OP / OP I / OP II represent one of many parameters in Tarmed.
FMCH-Forum 2010, registration form
FMCH-Forum 2010, 4.2.2010, Zurich, "Change in the Swiss Healthcare System".
Confirmation form for completed training
FMH certificate for continuing education
FMH evaluation protocol continuing education
FMH Guide for Physicians in Switzerland; Training - Continuing Education, June 2009
Statement of the FMH and the G7: "No obligation for electronic data exchange as of 1.1.2006".
Assessment letter to Members EBOMFS
Liability insurance - Framework contract FMCH / Allianz Suisse
Assurance responsabilité civile
Framework agreement FMCH on liability insurance concluded with Allianz (Switzerland, 2005)