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35th Annual Meeting of the Swiss Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery | November 18-19, 2021

Dear colleagues

On behalf of the Board of Directors of the SSOMFS and the entire team of our clinic, we cordially invite you to attend this year's Annual Meeting of the SSOMFS on November 18/19, 2021 at the Lucerne Cantonal Hospital.


All information about this year's congress can be found on this page.

Here you can get the congress program (PDF, german).


We look forward to seeing many of you again at our annual meeting in Lucerne in November.


Best regards

Johannes Kuttenberger and Team Clinic for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, LUKS 


Congress Information


Congress organization 

PD Dr. Dr. Johannes Kuttenberger, Head of the Clinic for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery/Oral Surgery, Lucerne Cantonal Hospital 


Congress Secretariat 

Jacqueline Isenegger, Senior Medical Secretary 

Tel. 041 205 45 68 



Congress venue 

Lucerne Cantonal Hospital 

Large lecture hall, main building 


6000 Lucerne 16 


Congress fees 

Members SSOMFS                CHF 250.00 

Non-members                       CHF 300.00 

Resident physicians             CHF 150.00 

Students                                  CHF 50.00 

Radiation protection course only          CHF 150.00 


For payment on site: congress fee plus CHF 50.00 



Gala dinner 

Restaurant Lucide, KKL Lucerne CHF 170.00 



Bank details for congress fees/gala dinner: 


Luzerner Kantonalbank AG 

6003 Lucerne 

IBAN; CH44 0077 8158 8310 1200 8 


BIC/Swift: LUKBCH2260A 


Deposit for: 


LUKS Spitalbetriebe AG 



6000 Lucerne 16 


Please with note: SGMKG-Congress 259219 




Continuing education points 

Thursday, 18.11.2021                    2 training points 

Friday, 19.11.2021                          8 continuing education points 


Official congress languages 

German, French, English 



Please note: Masks must be worn throughout the hospital premises. All events at LUKS are subject to compulsory certification. 



Due to limited parking, we recommend arriving by public transport. 

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