The Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at the University Hospital Basel has been an active AO CMF Fellowship Center for decades and is an important partner for the continuing education and training activities of AO CMF.
This group is an international association of surgeons with approximately 3,500 members. With the new "AO CMF Studyclubs", the AO has recently introduced a contemporary, regional continuing education program for the field of maxillofacial surgery and related specialties. In 2020, the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery at the University Hospital Basel was the first hospital in Europe to be selected as an "AO CMF Study Club - Center of Excellence".
Starting in October 2020, under the direction of PD Dr. mult. Florian M. Thieringer with the support of Dr. Dr. Benito Benitez, monthly "Study Clubs" will be held at the USB, in which all SSOMFS members and AO CMF members can participate free of charge. International experts are invited to present on changing topics of focus such as orthognathic surgery, traumatology, tumor surgery, etc. and present their personal topic in an interactive format (impulse lecture, case presentations), which can be discussed within the college. As the Corona regulations currently only allow face-to-face events under great constraints, a live broadcast of the new Basel Study Club as a ZOOM videostream is planned.
The first event will take place on 10/19/2020 from 5-6pm via ZOOM. Guest speaker is
Prof. Jonathas Claus from Florianopolis, Brasil. He will speak in English about "Minimally Invasive Approaches in Orthognathic Surgery." Registration is requested (please click here).
Other Study Club dates: Monday, November 16, 2020, Monday December 14, 2020.
(topics to follow). SSOMFS continuing education credit will be applied for (1 credit / event). Event language German and/or English, depending on the guest speaker*.
Contact for questions: PD Dr. mult. Florian M. Thieringer, OMF Surgery, University Hospital Basel, Tel. +41 61 265 73 44, Secretariat Ms. A. Schwär.

Image source AO CMF, Study Clubs as new regional continuing education events enable interactive exchange with peers and invited, external experts.